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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

The Leading Causes of House Fires

8/17/2023 (Permalink)

Home fires can be devastating and can lead to loss of property, injuries, and even loss of life. While fires can start from various sources, there are certain leading causes that contribute to a significant number of home fires around the world. Understanding these causes can help homeowners take necessary precautions and prevent fires from occurring in the first place. In this blog, we will explore the leading causes of home fires and discuss ways to minimize the risk.

Cooking Accidents

Cooking equipment, especially stovetops, and ovens, are one of the primary sources of home fires. Unattended cooking, overheated oils, and flammable items left too close to the heat source can quickly ignite and result in an uncontrollable fire.

Heating Systems

Faulty heating systems, such as furnaces, space heaters, or chimneys, can be another common cause of home fires. Poor maintenance, combustible materials placed nearby, or improper use can all contribute to heating-related fires.

Electrical fires can occur due to faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or defective electrical appliances. Frayed cords, outdated electrical systems, and DIY electrical work done incorrectly are all potential hazards that can increase the risk of an electrical fire.

Smoking Accidents

Carelessly discarded cigarettes or smoking materials can easily ignite flammable items, such as furniture or bedding. Smoking-related fires are often more common in homes where smoking is allowed indoors.

Candles are a common cause of home fires, especially when left unattended or placed near flammable materials. Accidental knocks or gusts of wind can lead to a candle flame igniting nearby objects.

Flammable Liquids

Improper storage or handling of flammable liquids, such as gasoline, paints, or cleaning solvents, can result in fires. These accidents usually occur in garages or storage areas where flammable materials are kept.

Curiosity-driven children who have access to matches, lighters, or other fire-starting materials can unintentionally start fires while playing. Keeping these items out of reach of children and educating them about fire safety are essential preventive measures.

Being aware of the leading causes of home fires can empower homeowners to take appropriate steps to reduce the risk. Simple precautions, such as monitoring cooking activities, maintaining heating systems, practicing electrical safety, and keeping flammable materials properly stored, can go a long way in preventing devastating home fires. Additionally, teaching your family about fire safety and having working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers can greatly increase the chances of survival in case of a fire-related emergency. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to keeping your home and loved ones safe from the dangers of fires.

The Unseen Benefits of Wildfires

6/21/2023 (Permalink)

When we think of wildfires, we tend to associate them with destruction, loss, and devastation. It's understandable because these events can indeed have tragic consequences, impacting communities, wildlife, and the environment. However, in the midst of the chaos, there are also surprising and often overlooked benefits that wildfires bring to ecosystems. In this blog post, we'll explore the lesser-known positive aspects of wildfires, highlighting the vital role they play in nature's complex cycle.

Forest Regeneration

While wildfires cause immediate destruction, they also pave the way for new beginnings. In many fire-prone ecosystems, such as pine forests, certain species of trees have adapted to withstand and even thrive after fires. Some tree species, like lodgepole pine and giant sequoias, depend on wildfires to open their cones and release seeds. These fires clear out the competition and create space for new growth, allowing diverse plant species to flourish.

Nutrient Recycling

Wildfires act as natural recycling systems, replenishing the soil with essential nutrients. As trees and vegetation burn, they release vital elements such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus back into the ground. These nutrients, enriched by the ash, create fertile soil for future plant growth. The rejuvenated soil provides a fresh start for ecosystems, promoting increased biodiversity and vibrant habitats.

Disease and Pest Control

In some cases, wildfires can help control the spread of diseases and pests that pose a threat to forests. Many harmful insects and plant diseases have natural enemies that reside in the soil or tree bark. When a fire occurs, it disrupts the life cycle of these pests, reducing their populations. Additionally, the heat generated by wildfires can kill off harmful pathogens, limiting their potential impact on the environment.

Habitat Diversity and Succession

Fire plays a vital role in shaping habitat diversity and promoting ecological succession. Different species of plants and animals require different stages of growth and disturbance to thrive. Wildfires create a mosaic of habitats, including areas of varying plant ages and densities. This diverse landscape benefits a wide range of organisms, providing niches for both early successional species and those that rely on older, more mature habitats.

Fire-Adapted Ecosystems

Certain ecosystems have co-evolved with wildfires, becoming fire-dependent or fire-adapted. Fire stimulates the germination of some plant species' seeds, promoting the growth of fire-adapted plants that are resistant to flames or capable of resprouting after a fire. These ecosystems, such as grasslands and savannas, have adapted to fire over thousands of years, and the absence of fires can disrupt their natural cycles.

While it is crucial to acknowledge the devastating effects that wildfires can have on communities and ecosystems, it is equally important to recognize the intricate balance and benefits they bring to the natural world. From forest regeneration to nutrient recycling, disease control to habitat diversity, wildfires play a complex role in shaping and sustaining ecosystems. By understanding and respecting this natural cycle, we can work towards effective wildfire management strategies that mitigate the risks while preserving the ecological benefits they offer.

Preventing Mold in Your Rental Home: Tips for a Healthy Living Environment

5/8/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is a common problem in rental homes, especially in areas with high humidity or moisture levels. Not only can mold be unsightly and unpleasant, it can cause secondary damages to your property. In this blog, we'll discuss some tips for preventing mold in your rental home.

Control humidity levels

One of the main causes of mold growth is high humidity levels. To prevent mold from growing in your rental home, it's important to keep humidity levels under control. This can be done by using dehumidifiers or air conditioners in areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Fix leaks promptly

Leaks in pipes, roofs, or windows can create the ideal environment for mold to grow. It's important to fix any leaks promptly to prevent moisture buildup and mold growth. Make sure to check for leaks regularly, and address them as soon as you notice them.

Ventilate properly

Proper ventilation is key to preventing mold growth. Make sure that bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms are properly ventilated, either through an exhaust fan or by opening a window. This will help to reduce moisture buildup and prevent mold growth.

Clean regularly

Regular cleaning can also help to prevent mold growth in your rental home. Be sure to clean bathrooms and kitchens regularly, paying special attention to areas where moisture tends to accumulate, such as shower stalls and sinks. Use mold-resistant products when cleaning, and make sure to dry surfaces thoroughly after cleaning.

Keep clutter to a minimum

Clutter can trap moisture and create an ideal environment for mold growth. Keep your rental home free of clutter, especially in areas where moisture tends to accumulate, such as basements and closets.

Use mold-resistant materials

When renovating or repairing your rental home, consider using mold-resistant materials. This can include mold-resistant drywall, paint, and insulation. These materials are designed to resist moisture buildup and prevent mold growth. These materials are made to hold up longer to normal wear and tear.

In conclusion, preventing mold in your rental home is an important part of maintaining a safe and healthy living environment. By controlling humidity levels, fixing leaks promptly, ventilating properly, cleaning regularly, keeping clutter to a minimum, and using mold-resistant materials. If you do notice mold in your rental home, it's important to address it promptly and seek the help of a professional mold remediation service if necessary. Give SERVPRO of Whittier a call for your mold remediation and clean up.  Our crews are ready to respond anytime, 24/7/365.

9 Essential Cooking Tips to Reduce Fire Hazards in Your Kitchen

4/13/2023 (Permalink)

Cooking is an essential part of our daily lives, but it can also pose a significant fire hazard if not done safely. The kitchen is the leading area for home fires, and cooking equipment is the primary cause of such fires. However, by taking some simple precautions, you can reduce the risk of fire while cooking. Here are some cooking tips to reduce fire hazards.

Never leave cooking food unattended

This is the most important tip for reducing the risk of a kitchen fire. Always stay in the kitchen when you are cooking, and keep an eye on the food to ensure it doesn't overheat or catch fire.
Keep flammable objects away from the stove
Make sure that any flammable objects like kitchen towels, paper towels, plastic bags, and oven mitts are kept away from the stove. These items can easily catch fire and spread the flames to nearby objects.

Keep the stove clean

Clean the stove regularly to prevent grease buildup, which is highly flammable. Wipe up spills and splatters as soon as they happen to prevent them from getting baked onto the stove.

Use a timer

Set a timer to remind you when it's time to turn off the stove or take food out of the oven. This way, you won't forget about your cooking and leave it unattended.

Use the right size pot or pan

Use the right size pot or pan for the food you are cooking. If the pot or pan is too small, the food may spill over and cause a fire. If it's too big, the food may burn on the sides of the pan and cause a fire.

Turn pot handles inward

When cooking on the stove, turn pot handles inward to prevent accidentally bumping them and spilling the hot contents.

Don't wear loose clothing

Loose clothing can easily catch fire if it comes into contact with the stove or oven. Wear fitted clothing or an apron instead.

Use a fire extinguisher

Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it. In case of a fire, aim the extinguisher at the base of the flames and sweep back and forth until the fire is out.

In conclusion, cooking is a necessary part of our lives, but it can be dangerous if not done safely. By following these simple tips, you can reduce the risk of fire in your kitchen and keep yourself and your family safe. Remember, always stay vigilant and keep an eye on your cooking to prevent fires from occurring.

Reasons for a toilet leaking.

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

You wake up in the morning to find a puddle of water on your bedroom floor. This isn't just an inconvenience, it's a sign that you have a leaking toilet. Leaking toilets are one of the most common household plumbing problems, and they're also one of the easiest to fix.

The toilet tank

The tank is the most common culprit for leaks. If it's cracked or has a leaky seal, water will drip down into the bowl when it fills up with water. You can hear this dripping sound when you fill up your toilet tank with water and then listen closely as it drains out.

If you've determined that your toilet tank is leaking because of cracks or other damage, we recommend replacing your entire unit rather than trying to repair it yourself (or hiring someone who isn't qualified).

The overflow tube

The overflow tube is the part of the toilet that drains excess water from the tank. It's usually connected to the wall behind your toilet, and if it's clogged or kinked, it can cause water to back up into your tank.

To check whether or not this is what's happening in your case:

  • Turn off all taps in your home (if you have a sink near by). This will prevent any new leaks from forming while you investigate other possible causes.
  • Look at where your overflow tube connects with its pipe leading outside of the house; if there are signs that something has been blocking this connection--like leaves or dirt--remove them immediately!

Water supply line

Wet spots on the floor. If you have wet spots on the floor, it is likely that there is a leak in your water supply line. This can happen when the water is turned off or if you are experiencing low water pressure in your home. Slow or no water supply to toilets and faucets. If there is a leak in your plumbing system, this can cause slow drainage in toilets and faucets as well as other problems with water flow throughout your house's plumbing system. Water supply lines damaged by freezing temperatures during winter months when they're not insulated properly before being buried underground where they're more susceptible to damage from frost.

Flapper and seal

Toilet flappers, also known as flush valves, are the piece that seals and opens to allow water into your toilet tank. The seal is attached to this part of your plumbing system and acts as a water barrier between your toilet bowl and tank. When you close off this opening by shutting off your valve or flapper with your finger, air pressure builds up behind it (similarly to how blowing up a balloon creates pressure). When you open up that area again by lifting up on your handle or pushing down on an automatic sensor button, this releases that built-up air into its normal position so that water can flow into your bowl once again.

Serious Damage to your home

Leaking toilets are not only annoying, but they can cause serious damage to your home if you don't take care of them. If you have a leaking toilet, it's important to know what the problem is and how to fix it. If your home suffers from water damage from a leaking toilet, give SERVPRO of Whittier a call today!

Questions to consider when hiring a Restoration Company

2/9/2023 (Permalink)

If you've experienced a flood, fire or other water-related disaster, hiring a professional water damage restoration company is one of the most important steps in the recovery process. Whether you are dealing with a home or business property, it's vital that you find an experienced and reputable company that can quickly restore your property to its preloss condition. Here are a few questions to ask when selecting a water damage restoration company:

Do you have experience with Water Damage Restoration?

You are probably anxious about the damage and its effects on your property. You may be wondering if you can afford to have it repaired. The best way to make sure you get good service is to hire a water damage restoration company that has experience with this type of work. This includes experience in your specific area, as well as experience dealing with the kind of damage that you are experiencing. It's important for them to have this knowledge, because it helps ensure that they will be able to do the job properly and efficiently, which means less hassle for both you and them.

Are you insured and licensed?

Having insurance and a license is important for a number of reasons. It shows that the company is trustworthy, has been in business for many years, and has a good reputation.

Another reason it's important to know if your water damage restoration company is insured and licensed is because it shows they are serious about their business. They care about their customers, as well as their employees.

How do you determine whether your services are necessary?

If you think your home has water damage, it’s important to get a professional opinion. The problem could be as small as a leaky faucet or as big as damaged drywall from a pipe burst. When assessing the damage, consider asking these questions:

  • How do you determine whether your services are necessary?
  • How long will it take to fix my home?
  • Will someone clean up after they leave?

What kind of equipment do you use for Water Damage Restoration?

You want to know what kind of equipment a water damage restoration company uses. Specifically, you want to know that they're using the right equipment for the job at hand.

Here are some things to keep in mind when looking at different water damage restoration companies:

  • Water extraction is key when it comes to drying out your home or business as quickly and safely as possible. The right tools will help a team clear out flooded areas so that they can get started on removing damaged materials and restoring your property back to pre loss conditions.
  • Dehumidifiers are used by many restoration companies because they're great at reducing moisture levels in the air. This helps prevent mold growth by keeping moisture away from walls and furniture.

How long is the Restoration process?

The length of time it takes to restore your home or business after a water damage event depends on the scope of the damage. In general, larger jobs take longer. The process is more involved and requires more time. Restoration companies come in and thoroughly assess any damage you may have incurred, then formulate a plan for restoration that works for you and your budget.

Once we get started, our professionals will work quickly and efficiently to complete the job as soon as possible. Every job is different, there’s no way to say with certainty how long it will take us to finish up—that all depends on what kind of damage has occurred in your home or business premises and how quickly we can get started on repairs right away.

There are a lot of things you can do to try and prevent water damage. However, if your home or business has experienced a flood or other type of water damage, it’s important to find the right company to take care of the situation. When hiring a professional water damage restoration company, make sure they have experience with both residential and commercial properties so they can help with any size job.

Equipment & Safety Precautions Used During Water Removal

1/17/2023 (Permalink)

Drying equipment on a commercial kitchen floor. Water damage can happen at any time, even when you least expect it. That’s why it’s important that you work with a professional water removal company.

Water removal is a hard job that requires careful planning and precautions. The risks of water removal can be minimized by using the best equipment and following proper safety procedures.

Equipment Used in Water Removal

Water removal equipment is another important safety precaution used in water removal. When using this type of equipment, you should always wear appropriate personal protective gear such as gloves and goggles to protect yourself from injury due to contact with hazardous materials such as chemicals or sharp objects.

Safety Precautions Used 

Safety precautions are used to protect workers and those in the immediate area from the hazards associated with water removal. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn by everyone on the job site, and it includes a hard hat, safety glasses, gloves, and other protective gear.

These items are worn to ensure that people are kept safe while they are working or performing their duties at a water damage restoration job site. Safety glasses can protect eyes from flying debris or chemicals used during the cleanup of carpets or upholstery after flooding. Gloves prevent cuts from sharp objects such as glass shards that may be present in your home following severe storms like hurricanes when windows break due to high winds or tornadoes touching down nearby causing structural damage like tree limbs falling onto houses where no one was hurt but will need repairs done because there were leaks caused by branches hitting roofs which let rain into living spaces causing mold growth within walls behind drywall panels before you knew what hit them - so now there's mold growing underneath walls where insulation has been soaked with moisture from outside which could potentially cause structural problems later down the road if not properly taken care of now!

Why a Professional is Necessary

You should hire a professional water removal company because they have highly trained technicians that are experienced in the use of sophisticated equipment, so you know the job will be done correctly. The technicians know how to remove water from your home or business without damaging your property. They also have access to advanced technologies such as dehumidifiers and blowers that can help dry out wet areas faster than could be achieved on your own. These machines enable them to dry out areas quickly, which can prevent mold growth and other damage caused by moisture.

The technicians will also use fans and dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air. This is extremely important because if they don’t do this step, mold and mildew can grow in your home or business.

The primary objective in water removal is to restore the property to its preloss condition. Water damage can happen at any time, even when you least expect it. That’s why it’s important that you work with a professional water removal company that can respond quickly and efficiently.

Causes of Fire Damage

12/24/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire damage If you have Fire Damage in your home call SERVPRO of Whittier

Causes of Fire Damage

A fire is a traumatic experience. It can be hard to imagine, but the damage from a fire goes far beyond what's visible on the surface. The smoke and soot left behind by a faulty fire cleanup job can cause structural issues and permanent damage to your home or business. That's why it's important to be aware of some of the common signs that indicate poor fire cleanup techniques — and what you need to do if you suspect they're happening in your home after an emergency like this.

Fire Damage

If you have experienced a fire, it is very important to recognize how the smoke has settled into your home. Fire damage can be hidden beneath surfaces and may not be apparent on first inspection. Be sure to carefully inspect the entire house for possible signs of poor fire cleanup techniques or other lingering effects from the blaze. Smoke residue can cause permanent stains, lingering odors, and mold growth if not properly addressed.

Water Damage

When water damage occurs, mold can develop. Mold is often hidden in walls, floors, and ceilings. Water damage is caused by leaks, floods, and storms. It can also be caused by broken pipes, burst water tanks, and burst water lines.

Smoke and Soot Damage

It's easy to think of smoke and soot damage as something that only happens after a fire, but it can also occur without any flames or smoke. If your home was damaged by a flood, or if you live in an area with high levels of air pollution, then you may be at risk for this type of mold contamination.

Smoke and soot damage can come from a variety of sources:

  • Fires
  • Chemicals that were used to put out fires
  • Chemical spills (such as oil spills)

The Importance of Fast Response by Emergency Services

If you have been the victim of a fire, it is crucial that you work with a professional fire cleanup company. It is important to use the right equipment and chemicals for removing water and smoke damage from your home. This article will outline what these items are, but first.

The Importance of Working with a Professional Fire Cleanup Company

A great tip for success in both restoring your property and keeping your family safe is to hire an expert mold remediation company. A professional team will bring experience, knowledge, and expertise to the job at hand - ensuring that they take care of all aspects involved in this process efficiently so that you can get back into living in your home as soon as possible!

Warnings of a Poorly Handled Fire Clean-Up Job

One of the most common causes of mold growth is fire damage. If you suspect that you have experienced a fire, it is advisable to check for signs of a poorly handled fire cleanup job. These include:

  • Mold growth in areas where there should not be any
  • Water damage or other visible signs of smoke and soot damage

If you have any reason to suspect that something has gone wrong with the restoration process at all, then it would be best to seek professional help before proceeding with any further cleaning efforts yourself.

Damaged Structures and Furnishings

Mold can also grow on any damaged wood and other materials. Mold tends to grow in the walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture of your home if there are leaks or water problems. It can even grow on clothing and other fabrics that have been exposed to a lot of moisture. 

Mold grows on books and papers as well because they contain cellulose which is what most molds feed off when they look for food sources in order to survive.

Lingering Odors

You may be wondering if this can happen to you. If you smell an odor that’s a little funky, it could be a sign of mold growing in your home. Mold often grows in hidden places like behind walls or under floors. It can also grow on the surfaces of walls and ceilings, as well as inside plumbing fixtures and other areas where water accumulates.

If you have mold growing in your home and it is left untreated, the spores will spread through the air and cause various problems to your property. Getting rid of the mold quickly is important so that everyone who lives in your house stays safe.

Apparent fire damage can be hidden beneath surfaces. 

Be sure to carefully inspect the entire house for possible signs of poor fire cleanup techniques. Mold can grow on many surfaces, including wood, drywall, carpet, and insulation. Mold may also grow in the air if moisture is present because of water leaks or improper ventilation (excess humidity). The spores of some species are released into the air when disturbed by activities such as sweeping or washing with water that has not yet dried.

While we may not be able to stop fires, water damage, and other disasters from happening, we can be sure that our homes are properly cleaned up when they do occur. When choosing a fire cleanup company, remember that time is of the essence. There’s no room for slip-ups when it comes to your home or office; every second counts when it comes to preventing further damage.

When Should I Change The Supply Lines In My Bathroom?

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

When Should I Change The Supply Lines In My Bathroom?

It's not uncommon to have a leak in your Friendly Hills, CA home or business. A leaky pipe can be a huge problem and may require the help of a plumber, but if you catch it early enough you might be able to fix it yourself.

Copper supply lines are the most common. Stainless steel, or braided stainless steel, supply lines are also popular and are often used in bathtubs, water heaters, and outside faucets.

A leaking supply line could be due to a faulty seal at either end of the line, which allows water to escape slowly and drip down the pipe; a hole in the supply line; or corrosion inside the pipe.

  • A leaking supply line could be due to a faulty seal at either end of the line, which allows water to escape slowly and drip down the pipe;
  • A hole in the supply line; or
  • Corrosion inside the pipe.

A leak in a plastic pipe is usually due to a faulty seal or corrosion on the inside of it.

Plastic pipes typically have a longer lifespan than metal pipes, but they have been known to break under extreme pressure. Metal pipes are often more reliable but will rust over time causing them to burst.

When deciding which type of pipe to use, consider the durability of your bathroom. If it is a relatively small area, chances are you will be able to get away with plastic pipes. However, if you need a lot of piping for your bathroom and plan on expanding later, metal pipes may be better suited for this situation as they are more durable and less likely to break.

It's also important to consider what kind of pressure is going through your pipes: metal pipes have been known to burst when put under extreme pressure; however plastic ones tend not to do so as easily.

If a leak occurs during standard business hours, it can usually be fixed within 24 hours. Otherwise, you may need to wait until the next business day before you're able to repair it with a plumber.

When you experience a leak in your bathroom, it's important to call out a professional plumber as soon as possible. A leak can quickly become a major problem if left unrepaired for too long. If a leak occurs during standard business hours, it can usually be fixed within 24 hours. Otherwise, you may need to wait until the next business day before you're able to repair it with a plumber.

24-hour plumbing repair is available in most areas and allows you to get immediate service when there is an emergency that requires attention right away. Plumbers can be called out at any time of day or night so that your home isn't left without water for too long while waiting for help from someone who is not available due to scheduling issues or other reasons (such as holidays).

While plastic pipes are generally less expensive than metal pipes, they can also be more easily cracked if they're exposed to corrosive substances like bleach or ammonia.

While plastic pipes are generally less expensive than metal pipes, they can also be more easily cracked if they're exposed to corrosive substances like bleach or ammonia. If you have any doubts about whether your plastic pipes will hold up, it's worth considering the cost of repairing a broken pipe before choosing plastic over metal.

While many people assume that metal supply lines are more durable than their plastic counterparts, this isn't always true. Metal supply lines can be damaged by extreme pressure or heat—in other words, if something gets stuck in the drainpipe and causes a build-up of water pressure behind it (kind of like when you try to flush too much toilet paper), then the metal pipe might burst apart under the force of all that water pressure. 

We hope you’ve found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below!

Do you have a clog? Here’s how to troubleshoot a slow drain.

10/6/2022 (Permalink)

Do you have a clog? Here’s how to troubleshoot a slow drain.

Clogs can be annoying, but they're not unsolvable. Some of us are lucky and never experience a clogged drain at home, but others are plagued by drains that won't drain properly. How do you know if your drain is clogged? And if it is, what can you do about it? Here's a quick guide to troubleshooting slow drains in the home:

  • Clogs can be a hassle. Look at these troubleshooting techniques for clogged drains.
  • Clogs are a common problem and can be caused by a variety of things. Luckily, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot the slow drain on your sink or tub.

The simplest way to fix clogged drains is by using a sink plunger; however, this usually does not work for tubs because there is less suction power than for sinks due to their larger size. Another option is buying snake tools from your local hardware store so that you can easily clear out any blockages in your pipes yourself!

Test it out.

When you think about it, this is a logical step. After all, if the drain is clogged and you can’t see it, how will you know that it’s clogged? The answer is simple: plug up your toilet or sink with some wet paper towels and start testing for drainage by pouring water into the drain. If there are no suction sounds when the water goes down and no overflow from the pipes (in other words, if there is still something obstructing your drains), then chances are good that there is an issue with the plumbing.

If this test shows that your drains are clear, but they are still slow to drain away after flushing them multiple times (or if there was never any suction sound at all), then chances are good that there isn't anything wrong with your pipes but rather something stuck in them (like hair). At this point, consider calling a plumber as soon as possible before trying any other DIY methods to remove whatever may be obstructing these drains once and for all!

Does your drain have poor drainage? 

  • Make sure your drain is not clogged. If your sink or tub won't drain, it's possible that a clog is preventing water from flowing. To test this theory, place a plunger over the drain and plunge up and down several times. If you don't unclog the drain with this method, try pouring hot water down it (and keeping in mind that you shouldn't do so if you have a septic tank system).
  • Check for leaks elsewhere in your home. Leaks can cause drains to fill up with water and prevent them from draining properly. To test for leaks, start by checking all your faucets and showerheads for signs of dripping; then move on to checking around toilets and other fixtures—if they're wet where they're supposed to be dry or vice versa, these could indicate an indoor plumbing leak somewhere nearby that needs attention right away before further damage occurs!
  • Look out for cracks in tubing leading outside—these could mean there's been earthquake activity near enough by so much as caused a crack inside one particular section but nothing else yet? Maybe worth checking into before doing anything else?

Clean out the pipes.

If you're certain that your clog isn't in the main room of your house, it's possible you have a problem with pipes inside the walls. If so, invest in a snake or auger—a long metal tool that can be used to clear out any blockages within your pipes.

If this doesn't work or if you've tried everything else (and still don't want to call a plumber), there are two more things left: using a plunger and trying to unclog the drain manually with boiling water or ice cubes. Plungers are not as effective on toilets as they are on sinks because toilets tend to have different types of traps than sinks do.

To manually unclog a drain from outside the home, start by pouring hot water down it until it begins draining again normally before finishing off with some cold water for good measure.

If your drain is still slow, you may need to call a plumber. If you have troubleshot the problem yourself and still can't find the source of the clog, contact us at (562) 698-5368 for 24/7 emergency service from our experienced team of experts.

How Restoration Experts Will Address Smoke and Fire Damage to Your Home

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

Soot damage due to severe fire in a home Smoke and soot damage in Friendly Hills, CA

Smoke and Fire Restoration Process

A home fire does not just burn parts of your house. It can also cause smoke damage to your property. Smoke cleaning is thus an important part of the fire repair process.
Ideally, the emergency restoration experts you contact after the fire will remove soot and smoke as they clean up your home. Below are the typical steps that these professionals will follow:

1. Assessment

Once the experts arrive at the scene, they will survey the property for fire, smoke, and soot damage. This will help them determine the proper course of action.

2. Board-Up

Fires often damage roofs, walls, and windows. This could leave your Friendly Hills, CA, home susceptible to water damage from an impending storm. Looters could target your house, as well. By boarding up the walls and windows and by placing tarps on roofs, experts can prevent further harm to your property.

3. Water Removal

Firefighter hoses can leave behind lots of excess water in your home. The professionals should eliminate this water and use air movers and dehumidifiers to dry off everything.

4. Smoke and Soot Removal

The experts will then address the smoke damage to your home. Choose a restoration company that relies on specialized techniques to clean the soot from walls and ceilings.

5. Sanitization

You do not have to throw away everything that was damaged by the fire. Many items can be cleaned and restored to how they were prior to the blaze. Professionals can also utilize fogging equipment and air scrubbers to eliminate odors from those belongings.

6. Restoration

Restoration is the final phase of the fire repair process. This step can include repainting the walls and installing new flooring. If the fire was severe, restoration may also involve rebuilding entire rooms of your house.

Fire cleanup does not just involve the removal of burnt items. To ensure your home is truly restored following a blaze, you should hire specialists who also eliminate soot, water, and smoke damage.

The Correct Response to a Flooded Furnace

8/21/2022 (Permalink)

Broken pipes can lead to extensive losses, putting your Whittier, CA business out of action for a while and causing costly damage to your property. One of the most serious types of damage resulting from a broken pipe is a furnace flood.

What Steps Should You Take If You've Got A Flooded Furnace?

1. Ensure employee safety. Water-damaged electronics pose significant hazards. If your furnace is powered by electricity or gas, don't attempt to turn it on. Remove yourself and employees until a professional determines that the area is safe.

2. Seek professional cleanup. After the floodwater has been removed and the area is completely dry, your furnace must be cleaned and professionally maintained. This is especially true when the furnace flood-affected an electric or gas appliance. Cleaning a furnace is a complicated process that is best left to professionals.

3. Assess the need for replacement. Some furnaces may have to be replaced due to irreversible repairs and an unsafe situation. If a professional has assessed your furnace and recommended replacement, take steps to complete this action as quickly as possible.

4. Schedule an air duct cleaning. The CDC recommends that all contaminated insulation and filters be removed from the HVAC system. It is also necessary to disinfect all component surfaces and to follow the disinfecting process with a clean water rinse. It may be necessary to upgrade components of the filtration system to ensure the health of your clients and employees.

Identify the Source of Damage

Addressing the cause of the broken pipe is an important step toward ensuring the disaster doesn't happen again. Work closely with technicians and recovery experts to determine why the break happened and how you can protect your business from future flooding.

The disaster that led to a furnace flood can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Working with a Whittier, CA professional can reduce some of that strain and concern. These experts can lead you through the recovery process and get your business back into action.

4 Necessary Steps for a Business Fire Prevention Plan

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Prepare A Fire Prevention Plan For Your Business

At some point, every business should spend some time preparing a fire prevention plan. With more than 100,000 commercial fires each year causing more than $2 billion in damages, a business fire is a real threat. Any plan is better than no plan, and a good plan could potentially save a company many thousands of dollars. The aspects of a sound plan should include the following elements.

1. Insurance. Every business owner should take a close look at his or her insurance needs at least once a year. In addition to a comprehensive policy that covers fire damage, the policy could include a rider for business interruption insurance. This add-on covers business income loss due to a covered catastrophe such as a major fire.

2. Remediation. After the fire trucks depart, it is important to repair the damage. A local fire mitigation company in Santa Fe Springs, CA, will arrive in a matter of hours of being called and they will get to work repairing soot and smoke damage. Trained technicians are experienced in all aspects of restoring damage caused by fires.

3. Equipment. A robust fire prevention plan addresses the proven equipment needed to deal with a fire. This includes fire alarms and smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and a fire suppression system such as sprinklers. Having these items on hand and operational can save lives and significantly reduce property damage.

4. Education. An effort should be made to educate all employees on what to do before, during, and after a fire. This could include lessons on operating fire extinguishers as well as information on who to call when a fire breaks out. It should also include where employees should gather in the case of a building fire.

A fire prevention plan can be highly detailed or fairly basic depending upon the size and the needs of a company. Its purpose is to save lives, prevent injuries and minimize property damage and business disruptions.

Storm Damage Is Far More Than Flooding

7/26/2022 (Permalink)

What May Seem Like Flood Damage Might Not Be

Major storm systems pose a serious flood damage threat to commercial buildings in South Whittier, CA. Rising waters can devastate the foundation, valuables and overall structure, leaving proprietors with a great deal of sogginess. Owners, though, should be aware that storms have other hazardous impacts that demand attention. To minimize concerns, know the answers to the following three questions.

1. What Other Factors Should Owners Prepare For?
Storm damage is a broader category than flood trouble. A hurricane or thunderstorm can have intense wind speeds, capable of harming the roof and turning minor objects into projectiles. Roof shingles may be ruined, exposing the roofing to moisture. This isn't considered flood but water damage. Hail can also occur, creating bumps and holes in the roof.

Furthermore, external items such as furniture, branches or trees can slam into the walls, windows and doors, breaking glass and exposing the room.

2. What Exactly Falls Into Flood Damage?
As the rain pounds down, waters rise, possibly overflowing external bodies of water. Rivers, oceans and the sewer system all dangerous, pouring category three fluid into the premises. Floodwaters such as these can ruin property. The source of the exposure must come from the rise in the water and not the storm itself. Insurance companies examine these case-by-case. Storm complications leading to saturation would not fall under this category.

3. How Should Owners Handle These Events?

When flooding happens (whether it's storm-related or not), commercial owners should turn to professionals at a water and storm restoration company. These certified experts examine the space, test the walls and air and initiate mitigation efforts immediately. This phase is essential to ensure that excess fluid doesn't spawn mold and mildew growth and prepare an appropriate sanitation plan.

What may seem like flood damage might not be. If the water comes from the roof or a structural breach, it's likely to fall into the storm zone. Either way, it's important to act quickly to reduce secondary complications.

Take These 3 Steps After Finding Mildew on Your Plants

7/11/2022 (Permalink)

Steps To Prevent And Eliminate Mildew On Plants

The emergence of plant mildew at your residence in Whittier, CA, is a different situation than a mold case. Mildew is a sub-category of mold that grows exclusively on plants rather than on your home's walls and floors or other property you keep. Therefore, different steps are needed to handle the problem.

1. Identify Different Mildew Types
It is important to identify the type of mildew growth before removing it. Downy mildew, also known as peronosporaceae, is closely related to algae and manifests as grey or white fuzz that grows underneath the leaves and makes them look brown. It is less common but also more harmful to plants. Powdery mildew, or oidium-erysiphe, resembles white powder and grows on both sides of a leaf, but is less dangerous. Mold remediation professionals understand the difference since both mold types require different techniques.

2. Removing Mildew From Your Plants
The process of plant mildew removal depends on the type and location of the plant itself. For plants that produce fruits or vegetables, you will need the right mildewcide for that specific plant. For a potted plant, you should move it outside, water the less coated parts from below, and prune any heavily affected or infected parts. Keep it exposed to sunlight to avoid high humidity. For best results, let restoration technicians handle this process since they will have the right equipment and treatment.

3. Preventing Mildew on Your Plants
Once you remove the organism, you should prevent any further infestations. The major cause of mildew growth in most plants is excessive humidity. Prevent it by exposing the plants to sunlight rather than shade and watering them properly from below and near the roots, instead of just watering the leaves.

Avoid further microorganisms by disinfecting gardening tools before use and removing dead leaves and debris around the plants.

Despite its relation to mold, plant mildew grows on different surfaces and requires different elimination procedures. Follow these important steps or ensure mildew specialists follow them to successfully eliminate and prevent its growth.

The 3 Water Damage Categories Explained

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

The Three Types Of Water Damage Explained

ll floods are different. The costs and damage associated with flooding in your commercial property are associated with the water category. After all, having issues during a water pipe repair is different than a sewage backup. There are 3 categories of water. While all of them are dangerous to a building, they require different methods to clean up the damage.

1. Category 1

If you could choose which type of damage you got, you would want category 1. This water is not dangerous to humans or animals. It comes from a clean water source. Often it comes from a broken pipe, overflowing sink, malfunctioning appliance, rainwater, snowmelt, or broken toilet bowl. While this is not contaminated, it is still important to have necessary water pipe repair and remediation tasks performed quickly. This prevents mold from growing and doing more damage to your building.

2. Category 2

Category 2 water damage comes from greywater. This water contains some contaminants. Depending on what is in the water, humans and animals who encounter it could experience irritation and illness. This is because the water often contains harmful microorganisms. This water often comes from malfunctioning dishwashers, sump pump failures, urine spills, fire sprinklers, and condensate water. After experiencing this type of damage, you must have a water pipe repair, cleanup, and decontamination performed.

3. Category 3

Category 3 water damage is the worst option for your business. This is called contaminated water occurs from sewage backups, storms, or rising creeks and rivers. You can also experience category 3 damage if a category 2 flood was not cleaned up correctly. This is why you must hire a water restoration professional as soon as possible.

Failing to do so could lead to additional damage.
If your business was flooded recently and sustained damage, you need to act quickly. Ensure that the water in your South Whittier,CA, business is cleaned up properly. This ensures minimal damage to your building.

An Overflowing Toilet Signals Sewer Problems

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

Sewer Issues Are Indicated By An Overflowing Toilet.

A toilet overflow in West Whittier, CA, is an instant sign there is a problem. If the source of the problem isn't addressed, it may mean sewage cleaning that involves replacing carpet and furniture and other restorative services. Although not always preventable, knowing the common causes may help you avoid a bigger issue down the road.

Main Causes of Overflowing Toilets

Although there may be other culprits, four common reasons for an overflowing toilet include:

Clogged Pipe: Flushing foreign objects is the main reason for a clog. These are objects that don’t decompose, thus causing a blockage. While slow to build-up, hair and mineral buildup may also begin to clog the sewer line.

Tree Roots: Since trees thrive on water, their roots naturally gravitate toward sewer lines. As they grow, they may enter through joints or crack lines that are older and not made of PVC.

Structural Defects: From aging to a growing crack, a sewage system is not immune to structural problems. These small issues may lead to a collapsed pipe or misalignment that leads to unwanted water issues.

City Sewage Backup: No matter where your business is located, it is connected to the city’s sewer lines. A backup down the line may make its way into your property, often rising through drains and toilets.

Professional Sewage Cleaning

Regardless of which of the above is causing the issue, it’s important to remember that the cleanup involves contaminated water. Depending on the extent of the issue, it may mean hidden water lurking behind the walls. When a sewage issue arises, calling a professional to complete water damage cleanup services is the best choice. Along with having the expertise to handle the water damage, a certified team of technicians will be able to find and fix secondary damage. Adhering to IICRC standards, the experts will provide a detailed description of the work that needs to be done and have all the necessary industrial-grade tools to get your property back to its preloss condition.

When the toilet overflows, there is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Along with determining the cause, getting a professional to handle the sewage cleaning means the damage will be cleaned right.

Tips for Dealing With a Flight Cancelation Due To a Storm

6/9/2022 (Permalink)

What to Do If Your Flight Is Canceled Due to a Storm

A severe storm can inconvenience South Whittier, CA, residents in various ways. Although an emergency storm recovery service can help you mitigate damage to your home, do you know how to proceed after a flight cancelation due to a storm? These are some storm tips to help you navigate this common scenario as comfortably as possible.

Prepare for the Unexpected

Before you head to the airport for a flight, it is helpful to do the following to ensure you have access to all the information you need to deal with a canceled flight:

Sign up for your airline's status alerts. Your airline can usually predict when weather conditions will cause flight cancellations. Having this information before leaving home could save you a trip to the airport.

Download a flight search app. Instead of relying on a service agent to find an available flight, a search app on your phone can be an indispensable tool to view and compare your options directly.

Keep your airline's phone number handy. When a flight cancelation happens after you check-in at the airport, you can try to rebook your reservation for a later available flight. However, other passengers may have the same idea. Therefore, instead of waiting in long service desk lines, load your airline's customer service phone number into your smartphone to easily and quickly reserve a seat as soon as you find another available flight.

Know Your Airline's Canceled Flight Policy

Most airlines will not claim responsibility for flight cancelations due to weather conditions. However, many airlines will waive rebooking fees, and some might refund the total value of unused tickets though they have no obligation to do so. Still, it is worth asking for special accommodations depending upon your circumstances.

In South Whittier, CA, a storm could strand you at an airport due to a canceled flight. However, you can save valuable time and minimize your losses with thoughtful preparation.

5 Critical Questions To Ask When Creating a Continuity Plan

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

5 Crucial Questions To Ask When Developing A Business Continuity Plan

When storms threaten to wreak havoc in West Whittier, CA, there is often only a short window of time to make important decisions and prepare your property, personnel and operations for a significant disruption. If the situation is severe, you may even need to evacuate the area. That's why you need to develop and practice a business continuity plan before disaster strikes. To begin, address these five critical questions.


Perhaps the most important thing to establish first is the chain of command:

  • Who makes the critical in-the-moment decisions?
  • Who will be in charge if you are not available?
  • Who are your team leaders in an emergency?
  • Who will report incidents and assess any storm damage?
  • Who are the clients and vendors that need to be contacted right away?
  • Who will you contact if there is a need for flooding cleanup and restoration?


What will be your strategies to mitigate loss and recover functionality after an interruption? Your continuity plan should include an analysis of your business's most important functions, how much downtime is acceptable and what specific areas are vulnerable in an emergency.


You'll also need to determine at what point you will evacuate and move your operations elsewhere. Will you leave preemptively, or will you wait until directed by local officials? Also, at what point will you know you can return or resume normal business operations?


Where will you go if you need to relocate temporarily or for a longer period of time? Where will your equipment be stored if you wait to resume operations until your permanent location is ready? Will working remotely from home be an option until things get back to normal?


Once you have the basic questions answered, outline the specific steps you will take from beginning to end. Like fire drills, your continuity plan should be practiced regularly and updated as your situation changes. Everyone should feel confident that they know what to do when the time comes. Fortunately, most storms give you some lead time to move your plan into action, but not all natural disasters can be forecasted.

Having a thorough and practiced plan in place will help your business survive and bounce back sooner when emergencies happen.

How to Prevent Mold After Flooding in Your Home

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

How To Prevent Mold In Your Home After A Flood

If you experience a storm with heavy rains, or if snow is melting after multiple blizzards, there is a chance you will have some flooding in your home. One of the major consequences of flooding is mold growth. It is important that you take steps right away to deal with flood damage so you can prevent mold buildup.

Take Assessment of the Damage

Some people think that floods mainly damage the flooring. However, standing water can damage many structures, and common places that mold can grow include:

  • Carpets
  • Upholstered furniture
  • Wood floors
  • Rugs
  • Walls

If an item has been completely submerged in water, it is a good idea to throw it out. Take pictures of all the damage in the event you have insurance coverage.

Remove the Extra Moisture

Mold thrives in a wet environment, so one of the very first steps is for mold removal and prevention is to remove as much moisture as possible with towels, fans and other absorptive materials. You should also call a mold remediation team right away, as these professionals have large, powerful fans and other tools to remove moisture and completely dry the area quickly.

Keep Humidity Levels Low To Prevent Mold Growth

Mold also grows in humid environments. Electric fans will help, as will dehumidifiers. These should be run until the affected area is completely dry.

Ventilate the Area

Mold spores can linger in the air, so make sure you open windows and doors to increase ventilation. Try to stay away from these areas while they are drying to prevent exposure to these spores.

When it comes to flooding in Bell Garden, CA, there are steps you can take to prevent mold growth. It is important to take action right away and to call for professional help, as the sooner the area dries there is less of a chance there will be mold.

How Does Fire Damage Lead To Water Damage

5/13/2022 (Permalink)

What Causes Fire Damage To Water Damage?

Fire restoration teams may discuss fire and water cleanup with business owners during remediation efforts. At first, this combination may seem odd, leaving proprietors to question why they face both predicaments. However, water damage is likely after a fire for many reasons. It's essential to understand how fire crews attack the blaze and why remediation efforts focus on multiple cleanup efforts. 

How Do Firefighters Attack the Flames?

Why isn't smoke cleanup enough? Fire crews use a combination of these efforts to defuse the burning:

  • They open holes in the roof to release heat and smoke.
  • They bust out windows to encourage airflow.
  • They use hoses to saturate materials with water.
  • In addition, companies have sprinkler systems that trigger smoke, sending dampness down before teams arrive.These measures drench the building, making it harder for sparks to spread.

Why Do These Approaches Require Water Cleanup?

Sprinklers and hoses cover and soak through the walls, floor and porous belongings. This water, although helpful, does not evaporate quickly or easily. If allowed to sit, the moisture may further harm the structure's integrity and encourage microbial growth. If not handled, owners could face future issues and more expensive repairs. 

What Should Owners Expect During Fire Cleanup?

During remediation, fire restoration specialists in Fullerton, CA, evaluate the property, determining where they need to focus on ash, odor and dampness. Workers scrub the walls and floors, removing soot. They deodorize to restore the air quality and run dehumidifiers to extract water from the air and walls. In addition, to avoid future complications, the experts pull out contaminated pieces, focusing on returning the building to proper form.

When a fire occurs, water is used to put the sparks out. Allowing that moisture to sit could lead to infrastructure concerns and mold growth. Therefore, owners should expect to focus on both smoke and water cleanup procedures.

How To Treat Mold Damage After a Flood

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Quarantine. Although mold grows quickly, you can limit the damage by cleaning it up as soon as possible.

How To Treat Mold Damage Following A Flood

If your business in Whittier, CA, has been caught in a flood, it's important to quickly check for mold growth. You don't want standing water to linger and cause further damage to your flooring or any other part of your structure. Mold can grow and spread in as quickly as 24 to 48 hours, so it is key to act as soon as possible before further problems occur.

Examine the Area Damaged

Look closely at the area of your floor that flooded. This might be the whole floor, a certain area, or just one level, such as a basement within your business. Once you have an idea of what areas need to be looked at, seek help from professional emergency restoration services rather than attempting to tackle the problem on your own.

Understand Different Treatments Used

There are a variety of treatments that can be used to prevent the spread of bacteria depending on the type of mold growth that has developed. These can include:

  • Abrasive cleaning
  • Foam cleaning
  • Immersion cleaning
  • Wet cleaning

If there is growth that is difficult to remove, abrasive cleaning might be the best method. Foam is typically used for treating upholstery, while wet cleaning is helpful for heavy residue left behind. Your floor might need one or more of these methods.

Get the Area Treated Quickly

Once you suspect mold damage has happened as the result of a flood, it's necessary to get it taken care of as soon as possible. The restoration company can help you understand where you need to have work performed and what the extent of your damage is. You can determine if you'll need to temporarily close your business. Even if you do, you can feel confident knowing the damage has been treated.

While mold growth can occur quickly, you can mitigate the damage by getting it cleaned up as soon as possible. With proper treatment, you can ensure it does not cause further problems.

3 Reasons Why Your Toilet Leaks When You Flush

4/25/2022 (Permalink)

When You Flush Your Toilet, There Are Three Reasons Why It Leaks.

Does your home in Friendly Hills, CA, have a leaking toilet? Nothing is more frustrating (or more off-putting, for that matter) than an undiagnosed toilet leak. Luckily, there are usually a few easy-to-fix problems causing the issue.

1. Loose Bolts

This issue is the easiest one to fix, mainly because it doesn't require removing your toilet. If water is leaking from the base, simply tighten the bolts to see if that fixes the issue. Do remember that a bathroom leak can also be caused by bolts being too tight.

2. Wax Gasket

If water is gathering at the base of your toilet, it's a sign that the wax gasket inside is dry and corroded or was improperly installed. First, if there's not a lot of water, soak it up and dry the base with a towel. Wait for a new puddle; if the water is seeping out from under the toilet, this is a sure sign that the problem is definitely the wax gasket. If water is coming from elsewhere, you have a different issue. To fix this issue, shut off the water, remove the toilet, and use a putty knife to scrape off the old gasket. If you're ever dealing with a lot of water, consider calling in a water cleanup and restoration specialist.

3. Broken Flange

If the above solutions don't fix your leaking toilet, you still need to remove and inspect the underside of the toilet. To do so, turn off the water, remove the tank lid, and flush the toilet to drain the water. Next, disconnect the water supply tube, and remove the bolts holding the toilet to the floor. While grabbing the rim of the bowl, gently rock the toilet back and forth; when it's loose, gently lay it down onto a towel or old sheet. Now inspect the flange to see if it is damaged. If so, it needs to be replaced.
With the reassurance of a professional at your side and some knowledge to get you started, a leaking toilet is a worry of the past.

3 Tips for Removing Cigarette Odor from Your Home

4/20/2022 (Permalink)

3 Ways to Get Rid of Cigarette Smell in Your House

Has your home in West Whittier, CA, suffered a cigarette fire? Besides the damages, getting the smell of smoke out is a nightmare. There are some tips that aid in this process.

1. Charcoal and White Vinegar

This method is by far the cheapest of many options as both charcoal and white vinegar are easy to come by from your local grocery or hardware store. By keeping open containers of either charcoal or white vinegar in your home, the cigarette smell is slowly absorbed out of the air. Keep in mind that this method only works for milder pockets of odor, so you might need something more heavy-duty if you've suffered a large ashtray fire.

2. Air Filters

If the solution above isn't as fast or as effective as you require, you might try an air filter. Since you're dealing with a very complex pollutant composed of many particles and gases of varying sizes, your best option is a HEPA filter. There are different ratings of filters based on what size particle you want to filter. Each filter is rated on a scale of 1 to 20 called a MERV rating. This tells you what size particle a filter effectively removes from the air. The higher the rating, the smaller particles it is capable of filtering. With a cigarette fire or odor, you should use a filter with a MERV rating of 18 or higher.

3. Contact a Professional

If these DIY tips aren't solving your issue, it's time to contact a fire cleanup and odor removal specialist. These experts come with equipment that's designed exactly for this job, and they know how to use it with efficiency. One piece of tech many pros use is a hydroxyl generator. This device produces a harmless charged variant of water particles to break up odor molecules. This helps deal with the smell, and more advanced filters are used to deal with the pollutants.

Don't suffer from a lingering cigarette fire odor. Implement these tips and breathe easier.

About the IICRC and Its Technicians

4/2/2022 (Permalink)

Concerning The IICRC And Its Technicians

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is the industry's standard-setting organization. It is a global organization with certified technicians everywhere, even in South Whittier,CA. Its primary role is to create certifications for technicians.

Additionally, it is a valuable resource for businesses who need to hire a firm or technicians with a cleaning, remediation, or mitigation certificate. This is because it keeps a locator that has thousands of technicians and firms listed. Before choosing someone to perform your restoration work, learn more about these technicians and why they are the better option.


This organization sets a standard set of values that any disaster remediation company must abide by. You can expect a certified technician to be:

  • Responsible
  • Trustworthy
  • Excellent
  • Knowledgeable

These values ensure that you have quality work performed quickly and without incident. In other words, you will experience less hassle and stress while waiting for your business to reopen.


The IICRC was founded in 1972 and has since grown to be the restoration industry's primary certifying body. There are currently thousands of certified firms and technicians across the globe that are held to a higher set of standards than others who operate in this field.


The mission of the IICRC is to create and teach a set of standard practices and principles that promotes the health and safety of technicians and clients. It accomplishes this goal by creating standards for worker ethics, communication practices, and technical proficiency that all professionals must adhere to. When clients hire a certified firm by this organization, they are assured that the company will follow specific protocols to keep workers safe while efficiently performing high-quality work on any business.

When choosing a remediation company for your business, you want to ensure that the technicians performing the job are trained and the best in the industry. To guarantee that you find the right company for you, take the time to learn about the main certifying body and look for a firm endorsed by it.

3 Tips To Prevent Chimney Fires

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

3 Chimney Fire Prevention Tips

Many homeowners do not give their chimneys the attention they deserve. It is a shame, because without proper maintenance, a chimney fire could break out. You will know if a fire has broken out in your chimney because you will notice black smoke coming out of the stack as well as an intensely hot odor. Fortunately, a few preventive actions can greatly reduce your chances of dealing with a fire like this in Whittier, CA

1. Clean Chimney Regularly

The easiest thing you can do is hire someone to clean the inside of your chimney from time to time. A professional knows what precautions to take to prevent injury. This is especially important because someone will need to get on the roof to clean effectively. You do not want to put yourself in harm’s way by getting on the roof yourself.

2. Only Burn Dry Wood

You want to avoid using wet wood in your fireplace. It is also good to avoid wood that is not yet fully cured to circumvent a chimney fire. Both of these varieties produce a greater amount of smoke. Therefore, they leave behind much more residue in the chimney. With dry wood, you will greatly reduce the amount of creosote left behind.

3. Avoid Burning Anything That Should Not Be Burned

Dry kindling or clean newspapers are some of the best ways to start a fire. However, too many homeowners simply toss whatever they have around the house in the fireplace. Wrapping paper and cardboard boxes should never be used. You should also avoid using gasoline in an attempt to get the fire going. All of these increase your risk of starting a fire.

A chimney fire can cause a lot of damage, and it will not take long until the fire spreads to other areas of your home. Fortunately, it is completely preventable as long as you know how to properly and safely use your fireplace.

How Mold Can Infest Your Home After a Flood

3/21/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning a house after water damage If your home has been exposed to standing water, you are at risk for mold growth. Don’t take a chance. Call SERVPRO for help!

After A Flood, Here's How Mold May Infest Your Home.

As if flooding wasn’t enough of a problem for homeowners in West Whittier, CA people who have had standing water in their homes must also worry about mold growth and bacteria. Even after the water is gone, it can cause issues in the house.

Whether it came from a burst pipe, a storm, or some other problem, water can cause mold to spread throughout your home. This mold can cause

• Structural issues with your home
• A foul odor throughout the home

If you want to avoid this situation, it’s essential to act fast. Make sure to work with a professional restoration company to get your home in working order. Here are a few things you need to know about mold:

You Have Little Time

Mold is quicker than you may think. In fact, mold growth can become a problem in as few as 24 hours after a flood. At the most, you have 48 hours before it begins to wreak havoc. That’s why it’s so important to call a restoration business as soon as possible.

Many cleanup crews operate 24/7, so you can get help immediately. Don’t delay; the more time mold has to grow, the worse the problem can get.

It's Important To Clean Your Belongings

As you may know, mold can affect any floor or walls that sat with standing water. However, it can also affect your belongings. Be sure to thoroughly clean anything that was in the room with the mold.

For nonporous belongings, a bleach solution may do the trick. However, if you find a mold problem on a couch or other porous surface, you may need to throw the whole thing away. 

If your home has been exposed to standing water, you are at risk for mold growth. Don’t take a chance. Call a professional restoration company in West Whittier, CA, immediately.

What To Do After Your Toilet Overflows

3/10/2022 (Permalink)

When Your Toilet Overflows, What Should You Do?

It can happen in an instant. You flush the toilet, and without warning, it backs up and overflows onto the bathroom floor of your South Whittier, CA. If you’re lucky, a flooded toilet is all you have to worry about. If you’re not so lucky, sewer damage may spread to other rooms and, in a worst-case scenario, the entire basement. Your first call should be to a plumber to stop the backup, followed by another call to a sewage company that can help you begin immediate cleanup and restoration.

What Not To Flush

Sewer backups seemingly come out of the blue, and nobody is ever really prepared for one. To help prevent a blocked sewer line, never flush items such as:

  • Cotton balls or Q-tips
  • Feminine products
  • Baby wipes
  • Paper towels
  • Cigarette butts
  • Dental floss

These things may or may not cause a blockage by themselves, but they can accumulate and block the toilet trap and pipes. Even too much toilet paper at one time can create or add to a blockage and the resulting sewer damage.

Removing the Clog

A professional plumber may be able to break the clog with the help of a sewer “snake,” or auger line. These handy tools can reach up to 100 feet in length to dislodge whatever is causing the clog. If a snake fails to resolve the problem, you’re likely going to need to reach the clog from outside, digging down to the line through your yard. This is often the only way to repair a line that is blocked by roots from a tree planted too close to the sewer line.

Cleanup and Restoration

Sewage is obviously full of contaminants and requires special cleanup and disposal of contaminated items, which may include flooring, baseboards, drywall and insulation. If you have a flooded toilet in your South Whittier, CA, home, contact a sewage company with restoration expertise that can help you assess the sewer damage, remove affected surfaces and clean and sanitize items that are salvageable.

After the Home Flood: The Threat of Secondary Damage

2/11/2022 (Permalink)

A specialist is taking a moisture reading to find out the severity of the damage. Does your home have water damage? This is no problem for our team! Our technicians are well versed in their areas of expertise. Call us!

The Threat Of Secondary Damage After A Home Flood

Flooding in the home is a scary enough prospect in itself, but many fail to realize that simply removing the water is only half the battle. Floodwaters are capable of producing secondary damage such as black mold, a potential health hazard and a definite threat to any residence in Friendly Hills,CA That’s why it’s vital to take immediate action when this type of disaster occurs. Quick removal of water diminishes the threat of extended high humidity, the condition which allows harmful mold to take shape.

Lasting Effects

While it’s certainly important to eliminate standing water when flooding occurs, it’s only the first step in a complete recovery process. Professional restoration is frequently requested for this purpose, as commercial technology allows both for rapid water removal and proper analysis of the situation afterward. The next recommendations will go toward preventing secondary threats such as:

  • Rotted wooden building materials
  • Growth of harmful black mold
  • Warped or swollen floorin

Remember, floodwaters need not make direct contact with a surface in order to affect it, and not all signs of moisture remain visible to the naked eye.

Tools of the Trade

Any number of solutions may be employed to inhibit mold formation and other moisture-related issues. Many restoration teams utilize tools such as industrial air movers and high-strength dehumidifiers to ensure that the environment is totally free of unwanted moisture after a flood. Microbial growth begins quickly and is usually very difficult to address once a problem has begun, so make moves quickly should disaster strike.

Protect Your Investment

No one wants to pay for unnecessary services, but when it comes to your home, the investment’s worth it. Black mold resulting from high humidity often ends up costing homeowners much more than handling the problem correctly from the start, so don’t fall victim to secondary damage. If flooding should affect your home, consider calling in the pros—it may just be a case of paying a little now instead of paying a lot later.

Ensuring Accurate Claims With Disaster Response Services

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

a specialist is checking a water loss in a ceiling SERVPRO responded immediately to begin assessing and start the clean up procedures after a water loss was discovered.

Using Disaster Response Services To Ensure Accurate Claims

Insurance claim services can feel overwhelming, especially after experiencing a major disaster. Unfortunately, the claims process is necessary for comprehensive restoration to begin. Therefore, it is best to speak with qualified individuals who can help to walk you through the restoration process as well as what to expect out of the claims procedure. While your insurer can help with some of this information, you can also speak with disaster restoration specialists. These companies are experts in the processes and bureaucratic procedures, and they follow a strict routine to ensure your claim is accurate.

1. Mitigation As Protection

The first goal of emergency response is to prevent further loss through a process called mitigation. This process entails the use of plywood, tarps and fencing to protect your property against weather, vagrants, animals and any number of other issues. Also, mitigation reduces the chances of your claim being rejected due to negligence.

2. Cleanout for Accurate Proof of Loss

Claim services are a procedural service, meaning that there is a designated path to approval. Any adjustments made to a claim can send it back to the beginning, prolonging the approval process and postponing restoration. Disaster response companies specialize in rapid cleanup, making all damage apparent and allowing for an accurate proof of loss statement the first time around.

3. Controlled and Monitored Restoration

While an insurer bases claim value off estimates, those assessments do you no good without a company that stands by its prices and services. SERVPRO is a leader in the restoration industry, and it has built that reputation on its ability to accurately control and monitor costs. Review the database of claims for the Whittier, CA, area to get a rough ballpark estimate of what your project may cost.

While it may seem unlikely, a disaster restoration company can be your biggest ally as you work through the claim services process of your insurer. These companies want to help you get back in your home by ensuring your claim is protected, accurate and honestly executed.

Strategies To Avoid Flooding

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. SERVPRO of Whittier has professional drying equipment for your storm and water damage. We responded immediately and begin the mitigation process.

Flood Prevention Techniques

Flood prevention in Whittier, CA, is a shared responsibility between the city and property owners. The city is responsible for ensuring that flooding does not wreak havoc upon the whole area, and you are responsible for taking care of your commercial building and the land it occupies. While many macro-level strategies may be out of your control, you can employ the following strategies to keep your building as safe as possible.

Keep It Clean

Even the best drainage system can be clogged by unnecessary debris. To do your part to take care of your city’s flood management system, you can:

  • Clean up the litter on your property, particularly around storm drains.
  • Trim trees and shrubberies on a regular basis so that weaker limbs are less likely to break and create debris during a storm.
  • Educate employees about responsible disposal of trash.

It is also important to keep your building’s drains clear. Clean leaves and dirt out of gutters at least once every other month. Make sure that ditches around your property don’t become trash receptacles.

Keep It Green

Your landscaping can help with flood prevention. Adding plants around your building can slow the flow of floodwaters. Flower beds can be built with water reservoirs under them, giving excess rain a place to go, if necessary. Trees and other plants with extensive root systems can combat erosion, preventing mudslides and the subsequent damage to your foundation.

Keep It Routine

Flood cleaning experts recommend that you adhere to a consistent inspection schedule. Building codes are in place to protect both the city and the building owner from preventable damage. By noticing problems and repairing them quickly, you can protect both your building and the infrastructure that supports it.

Flood prevention works best when every entity at every level works together. If you do everything you can do to protect your building and the property on which it is built, you can help the city with its emergency flood plan as well.

Commercial Roof: Ensuring Longevity by Inspecting and Maintaining

1/7/2022 (Permalink)

Ensure The Longevity Of Your Commercial Roof By Inspecting And Maintaining It

Roof damage is one of the leading concerns of all property owners but especially commercial property owners. Business facilities are expansive, and when there is significant damage to the roof, it typically means a bill that is in the tens of thousands. Therefore, owners should consider utilizing a proper inspection and maintenance schedule that focuses on the four areas of common wear and tear.

1. Shingles

Wind damage can lead to missing shingles and exposed underlayment. After every storm, especially those with stronger than usual wind gusts, you or a property manager should inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles. A good rule of thumb is to search high and low because you may find shingles in the grass alerting you to a more significant issue.

2. Sealant

Water can cause extensive roof damage, and that damage is likely the result of sealant cracking or wear and tear. Inspect your roof at least once a year to ensure that all sealant is intact. If you come across old or cracking sealant, then remove all the old and replace it with new.

3. Gutters

Clogged or congested gutters can lead to water overflowing and seeping under the roof line. This problem can lead to other issues on the interior of your property, such as water staining or drywall cracking. It is best to have a set schedule for gutter cleaning or to hire a service to maintain them.

4. Signs of Age

While maintenance and routine inspections will help to prolong the life of your roof, a roof rebuild or installation is inevitable. Every roof has a projected lifeline and to reach that limit, you should have a restoration specialist in the South Whittier, CA, area on standby for annual inspections or in case of severe storm damage.

Inspecting and maintaining a roof can minimize the risk of severe roof damage. However, nothing is foolproof. To reach the full age of maturity, a roof must be cared for, and keeping an eye on the four areas above will help you do just that.

Processing Commercial Smoke Damage

1/4/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Smoke Damage Remediation

A fire in your place of business in Friendly Hills, CA, can be a serious interruption even if the incident is comparatively minor. Learn how to manage your smoke damage claims and get assistance by reading the following tips.

1. Accreditation and Standards

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates and maintains standards and guidelines related to how various professional restoration services operate. By voluntarily complying with IICRC codes, these companies facilitate communication with their customers and other specialists. When you use an IICRC-certified business to examine and repair your soot damage and other fire-related issues, you can be sure that their work will follow established procedures.

2. Insurance and Documentation

Another reason to use an IICRC-certified company is the effect on the claims and liability process. Your insurer may require that your company use a restorer in compliance with BSR-IICRC S740, which is the section of code that determines the professional restoration of fire and smoke damage in personal items. After you have taken inventory of everything affected and have contacted your insurance adjuster, the smoke cleaning process can begin according to these standards. These guidelines serve as a guarantee of the safety of the client and the efficiency of the methods used.

3. How to Begin

The restoration service will likely begin by moving sensitive damaged materials away from the building. Here, vacuum freeze drying and dehydration can restore documents, electronics, and other affected assets without unnecessary side effects. Most restoration services will seek to repair your business equipment instead of replacing it in order to save the client money. Note that many types of smoke-related fire damage are covered on many policies, such as damage resulting from a fire on an adjacent property.

By understanding the relationship between smoke damage and your company’s insurance policies, you can better manage potential incidents and keep downtime to a minimum.

Avoid These Mistakes If a Broken Pipe Floods Your Home

1/3/2022 (Permalink)

A flooded bathroom is being cleaned by restoration machines Water damage? What you need is the SERVPRO water damage expert team to take over and put things in order.

If A Broken Pipe Floods Your Home, Don't Make These Mistakes.

Living your life is like driving down the road in Whittier, CA. Plenty of people will tell you the best route, but almost no one warns you about the potholes.

When it comes to water in the home due to a broken pipe, there is plenty of advice on how to handle the problem but not as much about pitfalls to avoid. Here are some to consider:

1. Don’t Procrastinate.

Time is your enemy. Shutting off the flow of water is merely the first step. You need to aggressively get all that water out of your home as quickly as possible. Water damage remediation cannot wait until tomorrow.

2. Don’t Assume That the Damage Ends When the Flow of Water Stops.

Water is always on the move. Once it escapes, it goes everywhere and damages almost everything it touches:

  • Hardwood floors
  • Subflooring
  • Lower levels of your home
  • Molding and wallboard
  • Carpets
  • Wooden furniture and cabinets

Also, don’t forget that untreated water damage due to a broken pipe can lead to a mold problem more devastating than the water damage that brought it on.

3. Don’t Overlook the Risk of Electrocution.

With water damage, there is always a chance that it will find its way inside electrical appliances, outlets and other fixtures. Water connecting with electricity increases the possibility of electrocution and fire.

4. Don’t Assume That Your Insurance Won’t Cover This Flooding.

Examine your water damage coverage. If you call your agent first, and if you decide not to file a claim, the agent may still be required to report the call. This report might be part of the basis for a future increase in your premium. However, if you don’t understand the policy, make the call.

5. Don’t Hesitate To Call for Help.
Water damage from a broken pipe is a serious matter. There are skilled and well-equipped water damage remediation specialists ready to come in and restore your home. They are just a phone call away.


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